Amazing Random mind blowing facts


Random mind blowing facts

1 The average person loses about 200 hairs every day.

2 You know that every day in the world According to Albert Einstein, the stars in the sky are not their real shape, but the light that was left behind many years ago.

3 The world’s first atomic bomb was made in 1945 and is called a gadget.

4 Do you know you can’t go to the toilet in Switzerland after 10 pm.

5 Our brain is the largest part of our body, made up of 60 tons.

6 London is home to 86 of the richest billionaires in the world.

7 February is the last month of the year, so February is two days away.

8 A man’s body has about 6.8 liters of blood, while a woman’s body has 5 liters of human blood from normal birth to death, but her ears and nose continue to grow. With a single heart you will grow, but did you know that an octopus has three hearts?

Random mind blowing facts

9 The first clock was created to find time in 1904.

10 It all started in July 1954, when a European plane landed at Tokyo’s Henneda Airport and all passengers on board flew to the cashier.A policeman sitting on the spot checked the passports of all the passengers. Looking for a strange passenger passport, the name of the country is written “Torred”. It was also asked whether the name of such a country was actually written in the name of such a country. Passengers, a country called “Torred”. Researchers have never heard of such a country.

11 Ratan Tata will give 65% of his income if he does not go out. By the way, he is the third richest person in the world right now.

12 The tongue of the camel is 18 inches long.

13 It is forbidden to have dogs in Iceland.

14 Of course, there are seven wonders of the world, seven seas, seven days, and a rainbow.

15 Even when voting online, most people dial their 7 favorite numbers.

16 Did you know that Bluetooth got its name from the “King Harold Bluetooth” in the 10th century?

Random mind blowing facts

17 If you earn between 60 and 70 rupees a day, it will take 2 days. 510 years to achieve the equivalent of Bill Gates.

18 Out Of the 10 people who died of lightning, eight were men.

19 People kiss on the nose, but it’s hard to believe that snakes kiss on the tongue.

20 The honey found in the king’s feather in Iceland’s Farrow pyroids is especially delicious to try.

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21 Rome was the first city in the world to surpass the 10 Raka.

22 3 out of 3 people in India pay only income taxes.

23 You will be surprised to see that ants do not sleep.

24 India is the third largest in the world in terms of construction .

Random mind blowing facts

25 The ostrich eye is the 45 main brain of your body, as well as the cells that can live for days after bending over and eventually not eating the cause of death.

26 If the Titanic was built vertically at a height of 269 meters, it is even more so.

27 Like fingerprints, the symbols of our language are different.

Random mind blowing facts

28 If you draw a line from a medium lead pencil, the distance is 35 km. You can write 50,000 words in English.

29 If you add the numbers 1 to 100 in a row, the total is 5020.

30 Do you know that there are more than one and a half million crocodiles in the neighborhood and a water park has also been built here for them.

31 Kangaroos are irreversible animals, elephants are animals that cannot jump.

32 There are still 52,000 tons of gold on earth and the amount is up to 200,000 chlorine.

33 More than 1.5 million people died in a day.

34 There are no eyes on the surface of the fish that live above 800 meters below the ground.

35 Smart people have zinc and bronze in their hair.

36 Blink several times a day, the equivalent of closing your eyes for about 30 minutes, 26-foot bones, the average human water content is 78%. computer.

37 In the first half, Zimbabwe scored just 134 points to ease the pressure on England, but that did not happen.

38 On AN average, one hundred folks die every year from ball-point pens.

39 You will be stunned to grasp that Americans eat a median of eighteen acres of pizza pie each day.

40 Does one recognize that each year in India, double engineers are made of America.

41 The world’s longest whale fish is 60 feet in length and weighs about 25 tons and 4000 teeth

42 Until 1990, Amitabh Bachchan was the only Bollywood star to win more than 10 million votes.

43 India’s first power plant was in Bangalore.

Random mind blowing facts

44 People who use the internet the most are indifferent and if you have to use force your reason it.

45 When people starve in another world, more than half of the world’s food is lost every 55 years) Heroes are first discovered in India.

46 In India, 100 out of every 100 people pay tribute) Finland’s Sanna Marin has become the a world’s youngest prime minister, 34-year-old Sanna Marin and currently Finland’s transport minister.

47 Those who help others and feel good have a long life and no strong mindset.

48 Did you know that lightning is five times hotter?

49 Honey is the only one that will never rot.

50 Nh -44 is the longest highway in Kashmir and Kanyakumari in India

51 Built in 1903, the Taj Hotel Mumbai was the first five star hotel.

Random mind blowing facts



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