most haunted places in the world

most haunted places in the world

most haunted places in the world

haunted places in the world

1.The Tower of London

London, UK

The Tower of London is built of stone and mortar, its walkways are paved with brick and rock, but below your feet, and below the rock, countless pints of blood have seeped, spilled from some of the many historically notable prisoners who spent their final days within the Tower’s walls. Ghost sightings at the Tower have been happening since the mid- 13th century, and many of these spirits are pure royalty. The ghosts of princes, queens, countesses, children, and many others have been seen, felt, or heard over the centuries by the Tower’s Yeoman Warders and its visitors. The Tower’s earliest, central structure was built by William the Conqueror of Normandy, between 1066 and 1067 C.E. King William I chose the site along the shores of the River Thames and built the initial structure into the southeast corner of the Roman city walls. By the late 1070s, the White Tower was completed by Norman masons and Anglo-Saxon laborers. It was the tallest building in London for many centuries. This fortress has served vitally important roles to Britain ever since, including a royal palace, an armory, a prison, the central stage of executions in London, a mint, and home to the Crown Jewels.

Ghost encounters have occurred all over the grounds and in almost every build- ing. One of the most predominant specters at the tower is that of Anne Boleyn. Boleyn was the second of King Henry VIII’s six wives. Henry VIII found his wife guilty of infidelity and treason. She was beheaded at the tower on May 19, 1536. Some have reported seeing her headless ghost walking the grounds, and reports (and even the lyrics of an old folk song from 1935) claim some see her with her head tucked underneath her arm. Today, there are many people who live and work at the Tower of London. The Yeoman Warders (better known as the Beefeaters), and their families live in ac- commodations within the tower. No one knows the tower’s ghostly legends better than members of this elite guard. Yeoman Sergeant Phil Wilson has been a Yeoman Warder and full-time resi- dent of the tower since 1996. Wilson re- layed an account told to him by a retired Yeoman Warder. Wilson said, “He told me that he lived in one of the quarters around the casements, which are in the outer circle of the tower. His story goes that he was fast asleep one night, no prob- lems at all, and then he was shaken awake by his wife, who said, ‘Who were those two children standing at the end of the bed in white nightgowns?’ Of course he woke up and had seen absolutely nothing. She then went on to describe these two children as looking quite distressed, and they were in long, white night- gowns cuddling each other in front of a Victorian fireplace. Of course, there was no Victorian fire- place there at all. So you put it down to a dream or whatever. Anyway, [the couple] moved from the quarters to some- where else, and they started redecorating the quarter and found there was ac- tually a false wall be- hind which was a Victorian fireplace. So that gave that story a bit more credence.” Perhaps the saddest ghostly tale within the tower is that of the two princes—12-year-old King Edward V and his 9-year-old brother, Richard, Duke of York. The two boys were murdered under suspicious circumstances in 1483, and their bodies were hidden—buried near the foundation of the White Tower. Could this retired Yeoman Warder’s wife have caught a glimpse of the two princes? There are almost as many ghost sto- ries within the Tower as there are cobble- stones in its walkways.

2.Bhangarh Fort


Bhangarh Fort is located in Alwar district of the royal state of India. Situated at the borders of the famous Sariska Tiger Reserve in the area, surely the name of Bhangarh Fort is not for those with faint hearts. Listed as one of the Most Haunted Place in India, and the world, it can give you goose bumps just by its mere tale, forget a glimpse.local legend tells of a black magician or evil saint who fell in love with a princess from the fort town and attempted to use a love potion to win her affection. However, the princess dodged his moves by flinging the potion onto a boulder, which then rolled down toward the magician, physically crushing him. Before taking his final breath, he cursed the fort, saying it would end up in a state in which no one could live—as it is today.


Parish, France

The human re- mains housed in here—more than 6 mil- lion bodies representing 30 generations of Parisians—were moved to the under- ground tunnels between 1785 and 1859 because the cemeteries of Paris were over- flowing with rotting corpses. With so many dead disturbed, it’s little wonder why so many consider these tunnels to be haunted. The limestone quarries began in 60 B.C.E. by the Romans. They used the build materials to construct ramparts and build- ings for the city that would become Paris. Over the centuries, the city grew—its buildings became taller, and the city spread across the landscape. More building ma- terials were needed, and the only direction left to go was down. More than 300 kilometers of tunnels were carved under the city of Paris—a city that was constantly growing in population and size. As the buildings closed in around the cemeteries that were once on the out- skirts of town, there was no longer room for the bodies. As the rotting bodies spilled into the streets and buildings, people who lived close by found themselves getting sick from the terrible smell. So the bodies were moved into the quarrying tunnels below the city. People have claimed to hear voices in the tunnels. Darting shadows have been seen by those who pass through, and some psychically sensitive people have claimed to get impressions from some of the vari- ous skulls and bones that are intertwined with so many others.



The present-day Princess Theatre was constructed in 1886, replacing an ear- lier theater building on the site dating back to 1854. Highly valued as Melbourne’s old- est theater, the building’s façade is beauti- fully designed with an incredibly lavish interior fitted during extensive renovations undertaken in 1922. However, the theater’s most distinctive feature is a purpose-built sliding roof, which opens to the sky and provides ventilation to the theater below. The Princess Theatre has hosted a num- ber of renowned performers and stage shows, including The Phantom of the Opera. But this theater is also home to a phantom of a different kind, one who has chosen to stay on long after his final act. On the night of the March 3, 1888, during the final act of the well-known op- era Faust, the famous baritone Frederick Baker fell victim to an unfortunate turn of events. Playing the part of Mephistopheles, Baker was required to descend through a trapdoor in the stage while portraying his character’s plunge into hell. However, dur- ing his descent, Baker suffered a massive heart attack and vanished beneath the stage. Unbeknown to the audience, Baker was rushed into the theater boardroom in the hope that he would be stabilized. Un- fortunately, there was little anyone could do, and Baker died shortly after. From this moment on, Frederick Baker’s ghost took up residency within the theater.



Monte Cristo is a late Victorian-era mansion that was built in 1884. The home sits high on the hill overlooking the New South Wales town of Junee and stands a testament to its builder’s, Chris- topher William Crawley, financial empire. The mansion’s religious name and grand stature are contrasted with a dark past that has led some ghost hunters to call Monte Cristo Australia’s most haunted house. Reginald Ryan has owned the Monte Cristo since 1963 and is an expert on the home’s history. He knows all about some of the cruelty that went on at mansion. He said, “There was a girl pushed off the bal- cony. She was a maid and was pregnant at the time, and she died [from the fall]. One of the young boys that was working and boarding here didn’t get up for work one morning, and the boss said, ‘Come to work,’ and the boy said he was too sick. The boss thought he was acting and set fire to the straw mattress, and the boy didn’t get out in time and was burned to death.”

Their first ghost experience happened just three days after moving in. Ryan said, “We had gone downtown in the evening to get some supplies, and as we drove back to the house, there was light streaming from every doorway and window. You know how lights go streaming out in a fog? Well, it was like that. And my wife was with me, so it wasn’t just my imagination. We actually stopped the car and looked up at the house, and my wife wasn’t particularly keen on coming up. But as we drove closer to the house, all the lights disappeared.” There are at least 10 ghosts haunting Monte Cristo. Some psychics who visited the estate in the late 1990s for an Australian television show felt a woman who was murdered in the house was among the 10. Though no records of a murdered woman have been found there, it is possible that if something did happen, the Crawleys were held in such high regard that the local police probably wouldn’t have asked too many questions.

Also Read : Titanic | History, Sinking, Rescue, Survivors



Whaley was born into a prominent family, in New York City, on October 5, 1823. His father died when Thomas was only 9 years old, but money was designated for the young boy to get a good education and a jump start in business. Thomas was ambitious, hardworking, meticulous, and certainly a risk-taker, but luck wasn’t on his side in his business ventures. In 1849, a 25-year-old Thomas Whaley left for California, its gold rush, and the prosperity that would surely follow. When Whaley traveled west, he established business contacts and learned about life in California’s gold rush. He educated himself about local politics, social circles, and legal matters. In August of 1852, a man named “Yankee Jim” Robinson and two accomplices were convicted of trying to steal a pilot boat in the harbor called the Plutus. Yankee Jim had a reputation of being a ne’er-do-well, and though the two accomplices were sentenced to only a year in prison, Yankee Jim was sentenced to hang by a reportedly intoxicated judge and a jury that included the two owners of the Plutus. On September 18, Yankee Jim Robinson, a towering 6-foot 4-inch tall man, was brought to the crude set of gallows in Old Town San Diego, and the hangman’s rope was placed around his neck. He was sure this was some stunt to try and scare him, and he continued to make sarcastic comments, even with a rope around his neck. The rope, however, was last used on a much shorter man, and no adjustment was made for the extremely tall Robinson. When the gallows door opened, Robinson’s neck didn’t snap because the rope was too long. He struggled and slowly strangled to death. The event would quite literally haunt Thomas Whaley, who witnessed the hanging.

The ghosts at the Whaley House have been experienced by almost all of the human senses. Witnesses have felt tickled and brushed up against, when there was no one there; apparitions have been seen; perfume and tobacco smelled; and footsteps heard. There’s even ghostly music. Sweeton heard a piano after she had closed and locked up for the night. She said, “I had forgotten something and had come right back in. It took me a minute to realize, ‘Wait a second, why am I hearing this?’ But it was very sweet and happy and a little melodic. As soon as I got my whole self in the door, it just stopped. As if they said, ‘Oh, be quiet. She’s back.


Long Beach, California, US

The RMS Queen Mary is 1,019.5 feet long, weighs 81,237 gross tons, is 181 feet tall from its keel to the top of its smokestack, has a 160,000 horsepower engine capacity, and was built to accommodate approximately 3,000 passengers and crew comfortably. In all aspects, the Queen Mary is significantly bigger than the Titanic was, built 20 years earlier. The ship made her maiden voyage on May 27, 1936. The Queen Mary was one of the last of the great transatlantic ocean liners, and her civilian service would be short-lived. In March 1940, she was painted grey and given the ominous name of the “Gray Ghost.” The Queen Mary was pressed into service for World War II and was transporting around 15,000 troops at a time, mainly for the United States. Psychic medium Peter James may be best known as the resident psychic on the television show Sightings, but he has also been investi- gating the history and ghosts of the Queen Mary since 1991. I spoke to James about the ship’s ghostly history and its many fatalities. James said, “The Queen Mary is the most haunted place that I have ever investigated. And I’ve literally been around the globe with hauntings. This is number one as the most haunted place in the world. There are at least 600 active resident ghosts on the Queen Mary.” Why so many deaths on a luxury ocean liner? Certainly the mili- tary service has a lot to do with the fatalities. James said, “While transporting 16,000 of our troops during World War II, it was quite hot in the Indian Ocean and the Queen Mary was not equipped with airconditioning. Fact has it that troops were dying at a rate of one every 7 minutes for hours. That’s how bad it was, because they were packed like sardines.” In addition to U.S. and allied troops, the “Gray Ghost” also picked up some German and Italian prisoners of war. James said, “The pris- oners were as young as 17 years old. They were housed in the isolation ward on B deck. They chose to commit suicide rather than face the consequences of becoming prisoners of war.



Fort Edmonton Park represents four historical periods in Edmonton’s history: the 1846 fur trade fort, and the streets of 1885, 1905, and 1920. In 1966, the fort was reconstructed (after being demolished in 1915). The fort itself contains various in- ner buildings and structures. Buildings were found from the four different eras and brought into the park. The uprooting and reconstruction of the structures have stirred up some ghostly happenings in the park.

Upstairs in the children’s bedroom, the photographer captured an amazing purple-colored figure beside one of our group’s members on the bed—he could not explain, technically, how it showed up on his camera. There was a definite presence of a small boy with a red ball in the house, but nothing overly negative or threaten- ing was sensed. In the study/sitting area, one particu- lar piece of furniture seems to attract ghostly pictures. A female visage shows up in the middle of the bookcase, and an orb we captured with our camera ap- peared in the window and had a male face inside of it. The rest of the park is just as haunted as the Firkins house. As it gets dark, up and down the different streets you can feel energies watching you out of the windows. Talking to the staff who work there, sto- ries of unexplained thumps, footsteps, and the feeling something is behind you are very common. It’s a fascinating place to go to see life the way it was during Edmonton’s history.



The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway built a fort in 1911 where their east and west lines joined. The company then built the hotel to offer plush accommodations to luxury railway passengers. For many years, the first landmark rail riders saw as they approached Winnipeg was the Fort Garry Hotel. The hotel has experienced and sur- vived floods and even a major fire, and today the building represents the spirit of the city—and some of that spirit seems intent on staying around forever. The second floor is said to be the most haunted, and room 202 is the epicenter of activity. Sebastian Ritchie was over from England staying at the hotel on business in November 2003.



The small, windowless room below the oubliette was the final resting place for scores of victims who were initially locked in a hidden dungeon off the Bloody Chapel. This room had a drop floor, and prisoners were pushed into the room where they fell to their deaths—either impaled on a spike below, or if they were unfortunate enough to miss the spike and die a quick death, they slowly starved in the midst of rotting, putrid corpses. Around 1900, workmen who were hired to clean out the windowless room discovered hundreds of human skeletons piled on top of each other. It took three full cartloads to remove all of the bones, and one theory is that some of the remains were those of Scottish mercenaries hired by O’Carroll who had them murdered when it came time for payment. Mysteri- ously, among the bones, workmen also found a pocket watch made in the 1840s. Could the dungeon still have been in use back then? No one will ever know.

The castle lay in ruin for decades. But then, in the 1970s, it was purchased by an Australian, who had a white Witch brought in from Mexico to exorcise the castle. She spent many hours in the Bloody Chapel and when she emerged, she explained that the spirits at Leap Castle were no longer malevolent, but they wished to remain. In the 1990s, the castle was sold to the current owners. They are aware of the castle’s troubled history. Shortly after moving in, they began restoration of the castle. However, a “freak accident” left the owner with a broken kneecap, which de- layed restoration work on the castle for nearly a year. One year after his “acci- dent,” the owner was back at work when the ladder he was standing on suddenly tilted backwards away from the wall, caus- ing him to jump to the ground. The result was a broken ankle and more delays with the restoration. The owners say they would be happy to share the castle with the spirits as long as there are no more “occurrences.”


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